Crude Handling and Treatment, Alkylation, Crude Pipeline, Boiler Circulation Systems, Delayed Coking, Distillation, Hydrocraking, Hydrotreating, Logistics and Tank Farm, Miscellaneous Services, Boiler Circulation Systems, Products Pipeline, Boiler Feedwater Systems, SAGD, Boiler Feedwater Systems, Heavy Oil and Upgrading, Catalytic Cracking, Steam Systems, Condensate Systems, Steam Systems, Condensate Systems, Utilities, Cooling Systems, Water Handling and Treatment, Cooling Systems, Water Injection
Single, wavy face, seal for steam turbines, able to handle hot condensate. Available as integral design or as detachable design for various turbine styles. The GTS seal uses thin film wavy face technology for non-contacting operation on steam as well as on water or water-steam mixtures. The wavy face is non-clogging and able to recover from upset conditions. To reduce installation errors and improve interchangeability, the wavy face is bi-directional.
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