Cooling Water - Metals, Paper Stock, Cryogenic, Plating, Galvanizing and Other Coatings, Desalination, Polymers, Descaling, Primary Processing, Dewatering & Water Supply, Scale Recycle, Digester, Wastewater Collection and Treatment, Acid Transfer, Electronics, Slurry Processing, Water Treatment, Fire Protection - General Industry, Slurry Transfer, Automotive and Aircraft, Flood Control, Snowmaking, Auxiliary, Food Processing, Solvents, Bleach Chemicals, Ground Water Development and Irrigation, Volatile Organic Compounds, Boiler Feed, HVACI, Waste Processing, Caustic and Chlor-Alkali, Hydraulic Press, Water Supply and Distribution, Chemical and Liquor, Leaching Acid, Agriculture, Coatings, OEM, Construction, Pharmaceuticals
Single, elastomer bellows seal in modular cartridge design, with parts interchangeable with other ISC versions. The elastomer bellows module is based on proven Pac-Seal technology, and available in a wide range of materials. Suitable for most common ANSI standard bore, ANSI enlarged bore and DIN standard chemical pumps.
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