Waste Processing, Acid Transfer, Desalination, Water Supply and Distribution, Automotive and Aircraft, Construction, Water Treatment, Auxiliary, Cooling Water - Metals, Cryogenic, Bleach Chemicals, HVACI, Coatings, Boiler Feed, Pharmaceuticals, Chemical and Liquor, Caustic and Chlor-Alkali, Plating, Galvanizing and Other Coatings, Descaling, Electronics, Polymers, Ground Water Development and Irrigation, Digester, Primary Processing, Food Processing, Dewatering & Water Supply, Scale Recycle, Flood Control, Wastewater Collection and Treatment, Fire Protection - General Industry, Slurry Processing, OEM, Slurry Transfer, Leaching Acid, Snowmaking, Hydraulic Press, Solvents, Paper Stock, Volatile Organic Compounds, Agriculture
Single, balanced, multi-spring, cartridge, pusher seal specifically designed for pulp & paper slurry services. Unique design exposes seal faces to pumped product for maximum heat dissipation - eliminates a common failure point. Special shroud protects compression springs in a stationary portion of seal, and rotor drive pin, from weepage build-up. Pre-set cartridge design and centering tabs simplify installation.
SL 5200
As above, but in a double back to back arrangement with the outboard faces being the same as the inboard faces.
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